One of the most important organs in our body are the kidneys. Thanks to them, our body can work properly and keep the blood performing its function. However, when they suffer some damage, we experience dangerous consequences for health. For this reason, we want to let you know these signs that your kidneys show when they are not working well, so you can give them the care they deserve.
Healthy and strong kidneys also represent a strong and healthy body. If they experience damage, health, even life, will be in danger. All this makes it necessary that the care of the kidneys is so important for each person.
Symptoms of kidney damage
Symptoms due to kidney problems often do not appear until they are in an advanced stage. Therefore, among the most common signs, we can mention:
1. Changes in urination habits
This is one of the signs seen when the kidneys begin to malfunction. What does it consist of? It can come in two ways: As a continual need to go to the bathroom, or as a decrease in the number of times we must go to the bathroom. Both indicate that they are not working properly.
In addition, urinating may become difficult and present some characteristics such as the following:
· Urine stained with blood; dark; in small amounts or less frequently; pale in large amounts or more frequently; foamy.
2. Changes in urine
One way of knowing the state of the kidneys has to do with changes in the texture, color and smell of urine. This can change and appear more yellow than normal, tinged with blood or even with an unpleasant odor.
When these conditions occur, it is appropriate to go for the appropriate tests, because these types of characteristics can also resemble those of urinary tract infections. Some tests will reveal the true cause.
3. Fluid retention
When the kidneys fail to fulfill their function of filtering and regulating fluids and wastes in the body, it produces conditions in the body that indicate that they have stopped working properly.
Due to fluid retention, an alteration in inflammatory processes occurs, and as a result various parts of the body can swell. For example, the feet, the face, the hands, the ankles, the legs. This swelling can come on suddenly.
4. Fatigue and decay
What is the cause of fatigue and decay? It is related to the process of production of a hormone called erythropoietin, necessary for the generation of red blood cells, important for carrying oxygen to the cells of the body. When they stop working properly, this process is affected and can lead to anemia and constant decay and tiredness, fatigue and poor ability to concentrate.
5. Pain in the back or kidneys
These pains usually occur in or near the lower back. They are more common in older people. The existence of stones in the kidneys tends to generate intense pain that can reach the groin.
Although sometimes it can be due only to muscle problems, it is advisable to go to a specialist to rule out a kidney problem.
6. Strange taste in the mouth
Due to accumulated toxins, bad breath and a metallic taste in the mouth are produced. Some people have experienced loss of taste or decreased daily portions of food.
7. Skin rash
This occurs as a result of the kidneys stopping filtering waste. Because having clean and oxygenated blood is reflected on the skin. Sometimes it presents with itching or allergies.
8. Hypertension
When water and sodium are retained it can cause high blood pressure. These types of disorders in the cardiovascular system can be caused by the lack of proper functioning of the kidneys.
Having healthy kidneys represents good health for us. Therefore, we do not want to take this issue lightly. Let's pay attention to the 8 signs that the kidneys are not working well, and do not expect the problem to be too advanced to no longer be able to correct it. Routine visits to the doctor will help you prevent and take better care of these organs. The vibrational frequency your mind produces is in exact proportion to the amount of money you are receiving. If you desire to manifest more wealth, raising your vibration rate is the ultimate method for attraction to occur. The difficulties most individuals encounter is they regularly switch from a high to low frequency. The reason, they begin doubting their abilities or fear they can’t accomplish the result.