Campaigns may not produce excellent results. Instead, all you have to do is direct your campaign to a specific audience for the same reason that your product isn't applicable to all. Do you want to target men in the make-up line? Would you like to target millennials for hearing aids? Create buyer personas for different target audiences to get an accurate picture of who you are marketing to.
Beginner's Guide to Social Media ghost mannequin effect service Strategy 13 These four reasons why many new products fail can be avoided with proper target audience segmentation. Don't understand consumer needs and wants Fixed a non-existent issue Target the wrong market Wrong pricing Check out this article on audience segmentation: 7 business-cost segmentation mistakes
Learn from competitors Keep an eye on the competition . Many brands don't care about this, but what they don't realize is that this is a constructive activity that can teach you a lot. It's wise to have intelligence about what your competitors are doing so you can improve your own social media campaigns. Make sure they're doing well and try implementing the same logic in your own campaign.